What Is The Best Time for a Maternity Photoshoot
The ideal time for a pregnancy photo session can vary individually, depending on many things like the size of the baby, the built and hight of the expecting mom and if she has any issues during her pregnancy.
Here I also would like to emphasise that every single mom-to-be looks beautiful and everyone can have lovely memories of their pregnancy.

I usually photograph expecting women sometime between week 28 and 34, from the end of the 7th month until the middle-end of the 8th month. During the 9th month many women feel uncomfortable and some poses - even basic simple ones - can be difficult. Many expecting moms don't even feel like having their photos taken any more around this time.

Considering all these, the rule of thumb actually is to have your maternity photos taken when you feel best and your belly already obviously shows.
I always recommend expecting mamas to come for a pre-shoot consultation sometime during the second trimester and discuss the best time individually.

We also offer complimentary belly casting to our clients and the best time to take the imbression of the belly is the same as the best time for the maternity session.

For more information about our maternity photography sessions and belly casting please contact Janette.
Don't forget to ask about our gorgeous gift certificates.
Janette Osvay
Ph. 0431 591 096